Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Charlie growing up through the years....

July of '02......isn't he sweet??!! My beautiful baby was just a couple days old here.

These were taken in 04, Charlie and Papa napping and Charlie and Mommy swinging.

This is how Charlie would pretend to take a picture, he'd say, "Cheese!" while doing this. This was in Jan of 07

Charlie's 5th birthday. What a difference a couple months can make. Although.....look what a beautiful healthy boy he is now!!

I could not get him to smile! I tried, I really did, but this was the best I got. He is happy today, got some really cool presents that he's been wanting for about 6 months!
Happy Birthday Charlie, I'm so grateful for you and I love you so much!
Sorry about the year gaps in the pictures. We didn't get a digital camera until LAST year, so I just used what pictures I had already scanned into the computer. Sorry!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer's Here (and to stay, I hope!)

Here are some new pic's of Charlie...

Washing the sliding glass door. I had this great little video clip of him doing it, but for some reason it didn't make it to the computer from my camera. Before I knew it, I had Adobe delete the images from my camera. Darnit!! Such a helpful guy though... he washed and washed and washed the window. It was pretty funny, he kept saying, "I'm busy!!" "I'm washing!"

What was left of a 1/2 a pan of Brownies one day when I came out of the shower. "Someone", I'm not mentioning any names here, ate them while Mom wasn't around to say NO! Steroids. My favorite.

Playing transformers in the backyard. This cracked patio will be gone by the end of the week. Brian and my Dad are going to be building a deck over it! I'm so excited and I will be sure to post pictures!

I love to watch him lately doing the little boy things that he's supposed to do. Here he is patiently waiting for his lunch and playing with his transformers at the table. His birthday is in 2 days, although we are having ice cream and cake tomorrow (I have to work Thursday :-( ) So the next pictures you will see of Charlie he will be SIX!!!

And Finally, a picture of Brian hard at work cleaning all the guck from our fence. Pressure washers rock. Seriously. It has made a tremendous difference! It will look even better when we get a stain on it....