Courtney, Brian, Nadine (B's little sis) and Charlie boy! After the climb...And what am I doing to my child?? It looks like I'm jerking him around by his shirt!!
Yep...there it is.....The Columbia Tower
We were running late because of this...Charlie said, "Oh! A PARADE!!!" Yeah...not quite. Anti war protest....
Charlie picture of Mommy...
Charlie and Daddy the day before at IHOP...and the morning after an ER trip...
So, the Big Climb was amazing. Brian and I had a lot of fun and it was so awesome to see everyone in their blue Charlie/Xfit shirts. Sadly...we didn't get a group photo. The only photos I have, I'm posting. Next year it will be a whole nother story. We will get there early enough to get a good team photo. We had 43 people on our team....41 actually climbed (the other two had things come up and weren't able to make it, but they still did amazing fund raising!) Our goal was to raise $5,000. I have to tell you, that goal seemed huge to me. But, Jerad...our Xfit instructor said we could do it. We didn't raise $5,000...we raised just over $9,100!!!! AWESOME!! It's one of the most rewarding things I've done. It felt so good to do. It was a challenge, that's for sure...but it wasn't any harder than the torture that Jerad does to us at Xfit 3 times a week!! :-) Everyone single one of our team members finished. My good friend, Kristen came in 3rd overall for women with a time of 10:05. My dad did it in 15 minutes and said it was good training for his Wonderland Trail hike he's doing this summer. Brian and I did it around 20 minutes...we forgot to time ourselves officially. Next year, Brian and I are going to do the timed climb...and one more really nice thing...we weren't sore at all!! Woohoo!! In fact, most of the team mates that I talked to weren't sore... So, if you were on the fence about doing it this year...there is no excuse! You can join us next year!!